Get in touch



*This is not a professional mental health service*

(Just hoping to bridge the gap)

Two people, one with a question mark in a speech bubble, the other has a speech bubble with lines in it

A reminder from us to keep talking, someone will always be there to listen

New Paragraph


Inside Mental Health Anonymous

We all know the saying, 'A problem shared is a problem halved'


nobody wants to actually share their problems.

Why is that?

We believe it's because there is still a huge stigma around needing help.

This can and often does lead to such devastating outcomes involving our friends, family members, colleagues, acquaintances and those we have never met.

Every death by suicide is utterly soul destroying for everyone involved.

We wanted to do something in the hope of preventing such a thought become an action.

That is to simply provide a platform and a safe space to share thoughts, feelings and struggles in turn allowing each individual to express themselves freely and without judgement.

We are fully aware of the long waiting lists associated with mental health help, whether that would be to see a counsellor, a CBT therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist - even calling the crisis team can seem longwinded;

we want to be the interim between struggling on your own and taking the huge step of asking for professional help.

Each and every person can share and express their concerns with us without disclosing their name, location, telephone number, job title, age, marital status, race, religion

- quite literally, anything.

(unless you want to have a chat with us of course)

So please reach out in whatever manner suits you, even if you don't think it'll help:

Email, Instagram, Facebook, Text & Form Website

Send us a message using this contact form or use the alternative methods detailed below:

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